New Cydia Improvements, makes it Faster and Awesome

    Almost all of us had Jailbroken our devices with the new version of Redsn0w and now every one has this new version of Cydia Installed in their devices. This time it's more faster and reliable to use than before. Cydia Developers and Hackers Saurik and Chpwn has brought their hard work into this New Cydia. It's now more Improved and have more Features than older versions of Cydia. It's improved both Visually and also in performance.

    chpwn did a lot of work on many visual tweaks, and Saurik said that:
    "some of my long term performance plans are 'hitting pay dirt', and Cydia is much faster than it was before; that said, it isn't done yet: there's one more thing that I think is going to make a huge difference that isn't even in there yet but should be for the final release."
    So these are the following Improvements/Changes done to Cydia:
    • Reduced loading changes time
    • Section remapping optimizations
    • Faster reloading data
    • Faster, native search
    • Uses public SDK classes whenever possible
    • Rewritten, faster web views with zooming support
    • Changes badge works again
    • More stable webviews (no crashes when queueing)
    • Redesigned settings page
    • Redesigned stashing page
    • Faster scrolling of table views
    • Bug fixes
    • Ads no longer break the package views until restart
    • Much better queueing UI
    • Stabler refreshing bar
    And some Improvements in iPad's Cydia:

  • - landscape 

  • - popovesr 

  • - modal views that cover only a portion of the screen 

  • - less annoying errors with bad internet connections downloading packages 

  • - updated section mappings, less typo’d sections

  • For those who haven't Installed the New version of Cydia Yet:

    This new version of Cydia is available in RedSn0w new version. But if you haven’t use it yet you can download it directly from your iDevice. Make sure you have iFile and Safari Download manager installed on your iDevice. Than navigate to…honeos-arm.deb from Safari and download Cydia with Safari Download managaer and install it from iFile.

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How to fix Cydia White icon.[Fixed]

    We have faced this problem in that after Jailbreaking your device with redsn0w, the Cydia icon became white which meant that there are no sources in it or it won't even Launch in your Device. A white Cydia icon indicates that Cydia either needs to update or have a tethered boot with the aid of jailbreak software to run.Here we have two ways to Fix this problem:


    Fix-1 use a tethered Boot: So this is a simple way to fix this problem, you have to perform a tethered Boot to fix this problem i.e you have to relaunch redsn0w while your iOS device is connected to the computer and then selecting that you just want to tethered boot for now. And for this purpose you should use the new version of redsn0w i.e Redsn0w0.9.6b5 for MAC and Windows. That might solve your Problem.

    Fix-2 Update Cydia Sources or Download it again: But still if you are facing this problem the problem then try this. Add sources to Cydia by your self, just add "" to Cydia source or either re-download or update Cydia and this may fix the problem.

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Tethered Jailbreak And Untethered Jailbreak.[Info, Comparison]

    Along with the release of the iOS 4.2.1 update and the redsn0w 0.9.6b4 jailbreak, came the return of the so called “tethered jailbreak” which has caused some confusion as to it’s definition. I’ll explain what a tethered jailbreak is versus an untethered jailbreak, and why one is better than the other. If you want the short answer: an untethered jailbreak is always better.
    A quick note: a tethered or untethered jailbreak has nothing to do with internet tethering, which is the process of using your iPhone as a cellular modem.
    Tethered Jailbreak:
    Tethered jailbreaks are frustrating because they require a computer connection to boot a jailbroken iOS device. The concept of a tethered jailbreak has been around a long time, but essentially it means this: every time your iPhone or iPod touch reboots or the battery dies, you have to connect (tether) your iOS device back to your computer so that the hardware can boot with the aid of the jailbreak application.

    Using and Booting a Tethered Jailbreak:
    In the most recent example with redsn0w and iOS 4.2.1, you have to do the following if the jailbroken iOS device is rebooted:

  • Connect the iOS hardware (iPod, iPad, iPhone) to your computer.

  • Relaunch the same redsn0w application you used to jailbreak the device.

  • Select the “Just boot tethered right now” option (shown in the screenshot above).

  • The jailbroken hardware will now boot with the aid of redsn0w

  • After the device has been booted you can then disconnect it from your computer and use it as usual, just remember that if the battery dies or you reboot the iPhone/iPod you will need to connect it again. These tethered jailbreaks work with both Mac OS X and Windows.

    Untethered Jailbreak:
    An untethered jailbreak is the preferred jailbreak because it requires no connection to your computer except for the initial jailbreaking process. You can reboot your iPhone or iPod touch as much as you want without having to tether it to your computer to boot. If the battery dies on a device that has an untethered jailbreak, it’s no big deal you just charge it again and it will boot as usual. This is how most of the modern jailbreaks work for iOS 4.1 and prior, like greenpois0n, PwnageTool, limera1n, and sn0wbreeze.

    Using and Booting an Untethered JailbreakThere is nothing to it. Boot your iOS hardware as usual, an untethered jailbroken device behaves like any other iPhone, iPod touch, or iPad, you can reboot at will trouble-free.
    For iOS 4.2.1 the untethered jailbreak is currently only available for iPhone 3G and older iPhone 3GS models, but the iPhone Dev Team is actively working on untethered solutions for other iOS hardware.

    Tethered vs Untethered Jailbreaks:
    Due to the hassle of tethering (connecting) your iOS hardware to a computer on each boot, an untethered jailbreak is obviously preferential.
    If you are patient, I would always recommend waiting for an untethered jailbreak to become available for your hardware. If you are determined to proceed on the cutting edge of jailbreaking, learn how to jailbreak iOS 4.2.1 with redsn0w RC5, but as I stated before, the untethered option is only available to older hardware: the iPhone 3G, old iPhone 3GS, and old iPod touch 2G. Most people are better served by waiting for an untethered jailbreak to be released.

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An Updated Version of TinyUmbrella will be Coming soon.

    Notcom iPhone Dev-Team hacker and Developer has something new to tell us about TinyUmbrella. He have Posted a tweet on twitter telling about making some changes to TinyUmbrella to make it more convenient for users. For those who don't know about TinyUmbrella, TinyUmbrella lets you save SHSH blobs to be able to downgrade your iOS device to older firmware.

    TinyUmbrella-Notcom Tweet
    I'm making some significant changes to the way TinyUmbrella handles saved SHSHs.New core will be able to handle significantly more SHSHs
    This means that notcom has started working on bringing these new changes to TinyUmbrella, and he'll soon change the Core of TinyUmbrella to handle more SHSHs and Significantly. Maybe we see these changes in Tiny Umbrella Soon.

    Many people have countered problems in saving their SHSHs in TinyUmbrella saying that TinyUmbrella lags when there are too many SHSH are saved in it.

    I have 450+ SHSH in my TinyUmbrella, it is lagging every time i connect a new device and now it does not even run V4.21.01 Thanx!
    An iPhone user wrote this problem to notcom and in reply to that Notcom wrote that:

    I'm makin some significant changes to the backened logic to support hundreds of thousands of shshs.
    This made confirm that notcom has something new about TinyUmbrella and soon he'll fix these problems.

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Guide: Jailbreak and Unlock iOS 4.2.1/iOS 4.1 with Redsn0w 0.9.6.b5 [How to]

    DEV-Team has Updated Redsn0w to version 0.9.6b5 which will allow iPhone 3GS and iPhone 3G Users to Jailbreak their Device on iOS 4.2.1 and also Update their respective baseband to 06.15.00. Here we have a complete step by step guide on How to Jailbreak your Device, and in order to Unlock you have to Update your Baseband to 06.15. This Guide is both for MAC And Windows.If you have an old-bootrom 3GS and are already unlockable but want to get to 4.2.1, please wait til iPhone Dev Team release an “unofficial” bundle for you.

    Dev-Team has updated in their Blog that:

    The new redsn0w 0.9.6beta5 is out.  It gives both Windows and OSX users the ability to flash the iPad 06.15 baseband on iPhone3G or iPhone3GS.  It fetches the baseband files directly from Apple for now (the only IPSW you ever point it at is the stock IPSW for the FW on your iPhone right now).  There may be a long delay while it’s doing this (their servers are currently getting pounded).
    Important Note: RedSn0w not only jailbreak your iOS 4.2.1 but it also updates the baseband 5.14.02 and 5.15 to 6.15 for iPhone 3GS and 3G so make it unlock. Now there are some key points which should be note before proceeding with this Jailbreak and unlock tool.
    1. There is no way to come back down from 06.15, and there’s no hiding the baseband version from Apple. You’ll be voiding your warranty in a very obvious way.

    2. If some future baseband comes out with a critical fix, you won’t be able to update to it if it remains down in the 05.xx sequence (then again, you wouldn’t update to it if you wanted to keep your unlock anyway).
    3. Starting with FW 4.2.1 if you have 06.15 on your iPhone you won’t ever be able to restore to stock firmware (it will fail). You’ll need to only restore to custom IPSWs (then again, if you’re unlocker you should already be doing that).

    Don’t update to 06.15 if you don’t need to! Only do this if you need the unlock and you’re stuck on 05.14 or 05.15, and you’re willing to assume the above risks.
    So here is the Guide,
    First of all Download the Following:
     iOS 4.2.1 Firmware for your Device [Download Link]
    Redsn0w 0.9.6.b5 for Windows [Download Link]
    Redsn0w 0.9.6.b5 for MAC [Download Link]

    Step 1: Update and restore your iPhone firmware to iOS 4.2.1 using iTunes 10.1. Open iTunes and select your iPhone in sidebar, Windows users press “shift” and restore and browse the firmware. Mac users press “Alt/Option” and Restore and browse to iOS 4.2.1 firmware.

    Step 2:Launch RedSn0w 0.9.6B5 and “Borwse” your iOS 4.2.1 Firmware.

    Step 3: Now you'll be Given different options to choose from, Select “install Cydia” and “install iPad Baseband”,So iPad Baseband 06.15 will be ported to iPhone 3Gs and 3G and will make it ready for unlock. Don’t select custom boot logo and recovery logo if you don’t want to.

    Step 4: Now you have to make sure that your Device is Turned Off and connected to your Computer.

    Step 5:Now you have to Put your Device into DFU Mode,Just follow the Instruction shown in image and you can put your Device into DFU Mode.

    Step 6: After your Device has entered to DFU Mode,your installation of custom firmware with baseband 06.15 will start.
    NOTE: If you have problems with RedSn0w on Windows Vista or Windows 7. Right click the executable and set it to run as administrator in Windows XP compatibility mode.
    Here you are done with Jailbreak, your Device has been Jailbroken!

    How to Unlock:
    Read the following before you unlock your Device.

    Step 7: Now if you want to Unlock your Device then Simply Follow this Guide.

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Guide: How to Update Baseband to 06.15 in iPhone 3GS/3G [Mac]

    Dev-Team has released Ultrasn0w to unlock your iPhone 3GS and iPhone 3G on Baseband 06.15. But before you unlock you have Update your Baseband from 05.14.02 to 06.15 in order to Unlock it. So here we have a guide for you on how to Update your iPhone to 06.15.If you have an old-bootrom 3GS and are already unlockable but want to get to 4.2.1, please wait til iPhone Dev Team release an “unofficial” bundle for you.

    DEV-Team has updated Pwnage Tool  to Update your Baseband.Just simply follow this step by step guide and you can Update and Unlock your iPhone.

    Firsty of all download:

    Pwnage Tool Unlock Version for MAC (Download Link)

    iOS 4.2.1 (Download Link)
    iOS 3.2.2 (Required to update the baseband) (Download Link)
    Copy everything to your desktop,you just downloaded.
    Step 1: Launch Pwnage Tool and select iPhone 3GS/3G and direct it to the iOS 4.2.1 firmware you just downloaded.

    Step 2: Now you have to Update to 06.15 if you are on 05.14.02 or lower, Click "Yes" for update. Now browse the IPSW File i.e iOS 3.2.2 and select it.

    Step 3: You'll have to choose some options as installing Cydia packages, custom logos and packages. Finally, hit the blue the build button.

    Step 4: Now at that point you'll be asked to saved the Cooked firmware, Allow it and Wait.

    Step 5: When prompted if your iPhone has been Pwned before, we clicked No. It allows for a more thorough restore. Once done, you have to put your device into DFU Mode,Follow these simple steps to put your device into DFU Mode:
    • First of all,Press and Hold the sleep button for 2 seconds.
    • While holding the sleepbutton,Press the Home button for 10 seconds.
    • Now release the sleep button but continue Holding the home button for about 15 seconds.

    Step 6:  Now, You will have to restore your iPhone to the jailbroken custom firmware by Clicking on the iPhone icon on the left sidebar of iTunes then hold left “alt” button (“Shift” button on Windows) on the keyboard and then click on “Restore” then release the alt button, Now Select the custom firmware created by PwnageTool and Let iTunes go in a bunch of steps.

    Step 7:You are done with Updating your Baseband and you can now Unlock your Device. Just follow this Guide to Unlock your iPhone 3GS/3G.

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Dev-Team released Unlock Instructions Before Unlock Baseband 05.14.02/06.15

    Ultrasn0w unlock for iPhone 3GS and 3G has been released on iOS 4.2.1(Tethered)/4.1(untethered) to unlock baseband 05.14.02 or lower.Dev-team has updated their blog about this news and they have given some instruction and tips before you unlock your baseband. iPhone 4 users have to wait for now,they can't unlock their baseband as it's not released by Dev-team.

    Today we’re pleased to announce our free carrier unlock for iPhone3G/3GS owners with a baseband later than 05.13.04.  The unlock for that baseband exploited the AT+XAPP command, thanks to a crash initially discovered by @sherif_hashim (@Oranav also found this crash).  So what hole are we exploiting today, since Apple closed that AT+XAPP hole?  Well, we’re exploiting the exact same hole!

    It turns out that the very first iPad firmware 3.2.2 has baseband version 06.15.00 still vulnerable to AT+XAPP.  The iPad baseband is built for the exact same baseband chip as the iPhone3G/3GS — they’re fully compatible! Some of us have been running 06.15 for weeks now on our iPhones in preparation for this release.

    Since 06.15 is a higher version than 05.14 or 05.15 (where AT+XAPP is gone), anyone stuck at those versions can simply upgrade to 06.15 to unlock again!  Luckily for us, Apple *still* provides the iPad FW 3.2.2 with this vulnerable baseband right from their own servers. (Grab it now, before they take it down!)

    We’ve been busy updating both PwnageTool and redsn0w to make the baseband update as seamless as possible.
    1. First up is “PwnageTool 4.1.3 Unlock Edition”.  It has a special dialog box which will ask you if you want to update to the iPad baseband.  You must already have the iPad 3.2.2 IPSW on your computer (see the above link)….so just point PwnageTool at it (or let it find it on its own if you’re in “simple” mode).
    2. Directly after PwnageTool 4.1.3 is available, the official ultrasn0w repo will be updated with ultrasn0w 1.2, which covers iPhone 4 baseband 01.59.00 and iPhone 3G/3GS basebands 04.26.08, 05.11.07, 05.12.01, 05.13.04 and now 06.15.00.
    3. Finally, we’ll release an update to redsn0w today for those without Macs and can’t run PwnageTool.  The new redsn0w will give you the option to update your baseband to 06.15 too.
    1. There is no way to come back down from 06.15, and there’s no hiding the baseband version from Apple.  You’ll be voiding your warranty in a very obvious way.
    2. If some future baseband comes out with a critical fix, you won’t be able to update to it if it remains down in the 05.xx sequence (then again, you wouldn’t update to it if you wanted to keep your unlock anyway).
    3. Starting with FW 4.2.1 if you have 06.15 on your iPhone you won’t ever be able to restore to stock firmware (it will fail).  You’ll need to only restore to custom IPSWs (then again, if you’re unlocker you should already be doing that).
    Certainly don’t update to 06.15 if you don’t need to!  Only do this if you need the unlock and you’re stuck on 05.14 or 05.15, and you’re willing to assume the above risks.

    This PwnageTool also contains a 4.2.1 bundle for iPhone3G owners…for all else, it’s still only 4.1.  If you have an iPhone3GS with an old bootrom, the new redsn0w will handle 4.2.1 for you (in fact it covers 4.2.1 for all devices, even though some of them are still tethered at 4.2.1 until @comex can work some untethering magic).  iPhone3GS users with old bootroms who want to go to 4.2.1 should not use this PwnageTool! Update to stock 4.2.1 first, then use the upcoming redsn0w to update your baseband.

    Please feel free to use our comments section for questions.  We have some very knowledgeable and helpful moderators:  angiepangie, Confucious, dhlizard, and Frank55!

    Official Bittorrent Releases

    PwnageTool 4.1.3  - PwnageTool_4.1.3_Unlock_Edition.dmg.5994102.TPB.torrent

    SHA1 Sum = adda6d882dce1b5117d01586037de289407e038a

    Unofficial Mirrors

    The following links are unofficial download mirrors, you download these archives at your own risk, we accept no responsibility if your computer explodes or if it becomes part of a NASA attacking botnet or even worse if your hands fall off mid-way during the use of these files. We do not check these links and we accept no responsibility with regard to the validity of the files, the other content that these links may provide or with the content that is on the third-party linked site.

    Always check the files that you have downloaded against our published SHA1 hash.

    We would prefer that you downloaded the official bittorrent release that is linked above, but you are welcome to try these if you really must.

    Mirror owners should email direct dmg download links only (no rapidshare type sites please) to — please don’t place mirrors in the comments as they will be deleted.
    If you want to unlock you iPhone 3GS/3G, than simply follow this Guide.

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Guide: UltraSn0w 1.2 Unlock released for iPhone 3GS/3G on iOS 4.2.1 on Baseband 05.14.02/06.15 [How to]

    A few days ago we updated you that an Unlock for iPhone 3GS/3G on Baseband 05.14.02 will be released this Sunday.And now we have got the news that the Unlock has been released. You can now Unlock your iPhone that is on iOS 4.2.1(Tethered)/4.1(untethered). We have here the complete guide on how to unlock your Device with UltraSnow.

    Note:Your iPhone should already be jailbroken on  iOS 4.2.1 or iOS 4.1 to Unlock your iPhone 3GS / 3G on BaseBand 05.14.02. If you haven't jailbroken your device yet than simply Follow this Guide to Jailbreak your Device on iOS 4.2.1.
    Here are some instruction by DEV-Team you need to know before you update and unlock.

    So if you are on iOS 4.2.1/iOS 4.1 and you have Jailbroken your Device than simply follow this Guide and you'll definitely Unlock your Device.So let's start the Step by Step Guide:

    Step 1:Go to cydia than manage tab as shown below:

    Step 2: Go to "Sources" and than click "Edit" and than add:

    Step 3: Write "" and click “Add source”.

    Step 4: When it's completed and Sources has been added Successfully.Search for “ultrasn0w” in Cydia and install this application.

    Step 5: Now Just Click "Install" and it's done, Just Reboot your iPhone and Enjoy!

    iPhone 4 Users have to wait for some time to Unlock their Device and use any Carrier on their iOS 4.2.1 and iOS 4.1.Dev-team is still working for iPhone 4 and we'll soon be able to Unlock iPhone 4
    You have Sucesfully Unlocked your iPhone 3GS and 3G on iOS 4.2.1 and iOS 4.1

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Guide: How to Unlock/Jailbreak Windows Phone 7 with ChevronWP7.

    A few days ago ChevronWp7 was released and as usual we updated you about that release. Now we have the complete guide for you on how to unlock or Jailbreak your Windows Phone 7 with ChevronWP7.The Purpose of ChevronWP7 is to run apps with access of private API’s, the advantage we would get from this will be that, there will be no need of Marketplace Registration which cost around $99 per year.

    Rafael Rivera, Long Zheng and Chris Walsh are the creators of ChevronWP7 tool, and they have now released the Guide for users to Unock their Windows Phone 7. But the bad news is that Microsoft had took otice of this hole in their devices and they are working on how to fix this in newer versions.
    So if you are here to Jailbreak/Unlock your Windows Phone 7 just follow this simple step by step Guide:

    First of all Download Chevron WP7 for your Windows:

    Step 1:Just Go to "" from your Windows Phone 7,and simply install the Certificate.

    Step 2:Just make sure your Phone is not Pin Locked before you Proceed.

    Step 3: Now Launch "ChevronWP7" from your Windows.

    Step 4:Check both of the Checklist in ChevronWP7 as shown in Screenshot above.

    Step 5:Now simply Click Unlock and your Windows Phone 7 is now fully unlock and jailbreak with Chevronwp7.

    You can check the Official Windows ChevronWP7 Blog for more information, and if you are facing any problems check the Blog or:
    If you’re encountering a connection error (you don’t have the Windows Phone SDK installed), try download/install the following registry key and restart your machine then try again
    Minimum supported OS: Windows XP SP2
    Please ensure your device has a “full sync” relationshipwith the Zune client, not a “guest” relationship
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