Google+ is no doubt the second fastest growing Social Network after Facebook. And it's has been reported that Google + had reached almost 10 Million Users at the end of it's second week. This report is not official but an estimate.
This report has been estimated by Paul Allen, the founder of (not to be confused with Microsoft co-founder Paul Allen). So how did he estimated this number?
My surname-based analysis shows that the number of Google+ users worldwide reached 7.3 million yesterday (July 10) – up from 1.7 million users on July 4th. That is a 350 percent increase in six days. The userbase is growing so quickly that it is challenging for me to keep up, since the number of users of any given surname (even the rare ones I am tracking) seems to be climbing every day. More impressive than last week’s growth is the astonishing growth in users from yesterday at mid-day to tonight — a 30% jump. My latest estimate tonight shows approximately 9.5 million users. This suggests that 2.2 million people have joined Google+ in the past 32-34 hours. I project that Google will easily pass 10 million users tomorrow and could reach 20 million user by this coming weekend if they keep the Invite Button available. As one G+ user put it, it is easy to underestimate the power of exponential growth.
So, Google+ has approximately 9.5 million users worldwide, with 2.2 million joining in the past 32 to 34 hours. Allen also found out that Google+ is especially popular overseas with one US user for every 2.12 non-US users.
Google+ is growing with an constant pace and if this keeps growing at the same pace then Google + could easily amass a hundred million users before the Fall, at which point Facebook might wanna hit the panic button. And it is also expected that this ratio is likely to change over time.
Google itself haven't revealed any Statistic about Google + as this report is not official but somehow this report also seems to be exact.
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