When ISP Will Stop Sucking Our Wallets !

    In Bangladesh still there is no 3G, WiMax is not reachable to everyone cause the coverage is not 100% through out the country.Mobile operators are providing internet service the service is not that much decent and in some cases this is a pain!Also WiMax does not work above 6 th floor.
    So,the ultimate internet provider in Bangladesh are the ISP's (Internet Service Provider).Above are the reason of the monopoly of the ISP in Bangladesh.Though now the WiMax operators are doing great to compete with them.But customers are still stick with the ISP because of the unlimited download limit.
    But they are just charging the customers too much.Though BTRC has cut the bandwidth price,still they did not cut their price and the rate is same before cutting the price of Bandwidth.
    Their cause is as the government has established the rule of underground cable and banned the overhead cable,they need to invest money over there to make their cable underground.But do you think this is a point which can convince you.I do not think so.Cause they did not change my overhead line.Only those lines are changed overhead to underground which are attached to the highway.
    The bandwidth price is been dropped from 28000 tk to 11,000 tk but still no change in the ISP rate.This is ridiculous.This should be taken proper care by BTRC.
    Source URL: http://nvdem.blogspot.com/2011/07/when-isp-will-stop-sucking-our-wallets.html
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