How to Get Access to PlayStation Network After got Banned on PS3 [Guide]

    There are many PS3 users complaining about the "error 8002A227, could not log in to PSN or create new accounts, so permanent ban",. So this Definitely means you are banned and cannot login, and you might get permanant Ban if you don't create new account. Here we have the solution for this Problem after following this Guide you'll be able to Log-in to PS Network without any error with that same account.

    IMPORTANT: According with one user, this method doesn’t work with a banned console with error 8002A31. But with 8002A227 it is confirmed to be working.
    Guide How to Log-in to Playstation Network after get Banned on PS3:
    First of all, these are the tools that you'll require so download them:
    1. PS3DNS-GUI:
    2. PSID:
    Step 1: Download the First File we Mentioned that is  PS3DNS-GUI (On your PC)

    Step 2: After download, Simply "Run" this File fill the Options i.e your IP And Region.

    Step 3: Now Go to Tools -> Rewrite -> PS3DNSeth0 -> Rules -> Add

    Step 4: Enter every field just as it is in the image below. The part that says ‘original console ID’ will need the ID from the banned machine, No spaces!

    Step 5: And also Change the last digit of your ID to 1. (Example.: if your original console id is “0000000100850008100dkwab4k957do200000000000000000 000000000000000″ put then “0000000100850008100dkwab4k957do200000000000000000 000000000000001″)

    Step 6: Now Hit Ok. Then, On your PS3 and in your network settings, enter your DNS as your PC’s IP. Turn on Proxy and enter your PCs IP as the Host and 8888 in Port.

    Step 7: Now Try to Login to PSN With your ID, it will be successful.

    Note: Now you have logged in, If you want to Proceed to Playstation Store follow the steps below, OR if you want to play Online Just follow Step 10

    Step 8: Open PSID(Which you download above) and click Square. This changes your console ID to a random one.

    Step 9: Now goto PlayStation Store and you'll be there, you can download whatever what you want.

    Step 10: First confirm that you have your original console id according to PSID (important) then you can run any game and play it online.

    If there's any Problem while doing this you can leave a comment here or just go to ps3Hax you might get your answers there.

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