- FoodSpotting
- Addieu
- FourSquare
- Yobongo
- Hashable
- Groupme
- Uber
- Situationist
- GroundLink
- Neer
- IntoNow
- Swagg
- Fast Society
- Hurricane Party
- Grouped(In)
- Beluga
- HeyWire
- Whrrl
- Kik
- Gowalla
Some folks at Opinionaided has gathered information about the usage of Apps in SXSW 2011. And they have gathered some good information about those apps, and have created an Chart of Apps according to descending order of their use. So they have found that the top most used app at SXSW 2011 was Instagram and the second most used was FoodSpotting. Check out the Chart Image after the break:
Arranged according to their popularity:
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Source URL: http://nvdem.blogspot.com/2011/03/iphone-most-used-and-popular-apps-at.htmlFor More News on Apple, Microsoft, Google, Web And all new trending in Technology World, Stay Tuned with us. Like us on Facebook and Follow Us on Twitter.
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