"This 3G networks will be developed with Chinese assistance and users will get services at prices lower than India," Telecommunication Minister Rajiuddin Ahmed Raju told reporters at a press conference.
Now the question is will Teletalk be able to attract and add more user?The most possible answer is NO.The answer has also some strong points with some raw statistics.
In the very beginning year when it started it had .7 million customer but now in the latest statistics in the last January 2011 it has active subscribers around 0.188 which includes its own employee(which is also not small in number).The growth rate is negative and the number is -0.082.
Still there is not much promotional activities and no smart marketing policy is been introduced though its network infrastructure is big.If it goes in this way after 3G implementation then there will be only some few subscribers and the revenue will be about nil.Which will be the best opportunity for the MVNO ( A Mobile Virtual Network Operator (MVNO) is a mobile operator that does not own its own spectrum and usually does not have its own network infrastructure. Instead, MVNO's have business arrangements with traditional mobile operators to buy minutes of use (MOU) for sale to their own customers).MVNO like Virgin,Sprint Nextel will come and offer some lump sum to Teletalk and again do some business,this time with the 3G and will earn money.So,to prevent this stage Teletalk must need some promotional activities which are done by other non-governmental mobile operators like Grameen Phone,Banglalink,Robi and Airtel.Otherwise 3G future of Teletalk is same as dark as 2G spectrum.
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